WHAT is Meesho’s Business Model? Full Form of MEESHO!


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In this article, we will look into the business model of Meesho, a prominent e-commerce platform in India. Meesho has gained significant popularity in recent years, revolutionizing the way people buy and sell products. If you’re curious about how Meesho operates and what makes it successful, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s explore the full form of MEESHO and uncover the intricacies of its business model.


MEESHO: Empowering Resellers and Small Businesses

Meesho, an abbreviation for “Mission Engage and Empower the Shopper and the Entrepreneur,” is an Indian social commerce platform. It was founded in 2015 by Vidit Aatrey and Sanjeev Barnwal. The platform acts as a bridge between suppliers and resellers, empowering individuals to start their own businesses with minimal investment.

Meesho primarily targets women entrepreneurs, homemakers, and small business owners who can leverage their social networks to sell products directly to their contacts. This innovative approach allows individuals to start their own businesses without the need for a physical store or significant capital investment.

Meesho is a social commerce platform that enables individuals, particularly women entrepreneurs and small business owners, to start their businesses without hefty investments.


How Does Meesho’s Business Model Work?

Meesho’s business model revolves around creating a network of resellers who can market and sell products using the platform. Let’s break down the key elements of Meesho’s business model:


1. Supplier Network Expansion

Meesho establishes partnerships with a wide range of suppliers, including manufacturers, wholesalers, and brands. These suppliers offer a diverse catalog of products, ranging from fashion and accessories to home decor and electronics.

Meesho collaborates with various suppliers to offer a wide range of products to its reseller network.


2. Reseller Onboarding and Training

Meesho focuses on onboarding resellers, often referred to as “Meesho Entrepreneurs.” The platform provides training, guidance, and resources to help resellers navigate the e-commerce landscape effectively. This includes educating them about product catalogs, marketing strategies, and leveraging social media platforms.

Meesho offers training and resources to empower resellers with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the e-commerce space.


3. Mobile App and Catalog Management

Meesho provides a user-friendly mobile app that allows resellers to browse and select products from the supplier catalog. Resellers can customize the product listings, set their selling prices, and share them with potential customers through various social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram.

Meesho’s mobile app enables resellers to manage their product listings, set prices, and share them on social media platforms.


4. Order Processing and Fulfillment

When a customer places an order through a reseller, Meesho takes care of the order processing and fulfillment. The platform coordinates with the suppliers to ensure the products are delivered to the end customers in a timely manner.

Meesho handles the order processing and fulfillment, ensuring smooth delivery to end customers.


5. Payment and Commission Structure

Meesho operates on a commission-based model. Resellers earn a commission on each product sold, which is calculated based on the selling price and other factors. Meesho manages the payment collection from customers and disburses the earnings to resellers periodically.

Meesho operates on a commission-based model, handling payment collection and commission disbursement to resellers.


6. Customer Support and Dispute Resolution

Meesho provides customer support services to address any queries or issues raised by resellers and customers. The platform ensures timely resolution of disputes, maintaining a positive and trustworthy environment for all stakeholders.

Meesho offers customer support and facilitates dispute resolution for resellers and customers.


7. Continuous Innovation and Growth

Meesho constantly strives for innovation and improvement. The platform regularly updates its app, introduces new features, and expands its product offerings. This enables resellers to tap into evolving consumer trends and cater to a broader customer base.

Meesho focuses on continuous innovation and growth to provide resellers with an enhanced selling experience.


FAQs about Meesho’s Business Model

1: How does Meesho earn revenue?

Meesho generates revenue through commissions earned on each product sold through its platform. The commission is a percentage of the selling price and varies depending on the product category.

2: Is Meesho available only in India?

Initially, Meesho focused on the Indian market. However, it has expanded its operations to other countries, including Bangladesh and Indonesia.

3: Can anyone become a reseller on Meesho?

Yes, Meesho is open to anyone who wants to become a reseller. The platform encourages individuals, particularly women entrepreneurs, homemakers, and small business owners, to join and start their own businesses.

4: Are there any upfront costs to become a reseller on Meesho?

No, there are no upfront costs or registration fees to become a reseller on Meesho. The platform allows individuals to start their businesses with minimal investment.

5: Can resellers sell products other than those available in Meesho’s catalog?

Meesho primarily focuses on the products available in its catalog. However, resellers can explore customized offerings by coordinating with the suppliers and Meesho’s support team.

6: How does Meesho ensure the quality of products?

Meesho collaborates with reliable suppliers and brands to maintain the quality of products. The platform continuously monitors customer feedback and takes necessary actions to address any quality-related issues.

7: Does Meesho provide marketing support to resellers?

Yes, Meesho provides marketing support to resellers through its training programs. It educates resellers on effective marketing strategies, social media promotion, and leveraging their personal networks.

8: Can resellers set their own selling prices?

Yes, resellers have the flexibility to set their selling prices based on the recommended price or their marketing strategy. They can adjust the prices to attract customers while ensuring profitability.

9: How does Meesho handle returns and refunds?

Meesho has a dedicated returns and refunds policy in place. Resellers and customers can raise return requests through the app, and Meesho manages the process in coordination with the suppliers.

10: Does Meesho offer support for reseller growth and expansion?

Yes, Meesho actively supports reseller growth and expansion. It offers additional incentives, rewards, and training programs to motivate resellers to achieve higher sales and build successful businesses.


Meesho’s business model has redefined the e-commerce landscape in India by empowering individuals to become entrepreneurs with minimal investment. Through its platform, Meesho enables resellers to leverage their social networks and sell products directly to customers. With a wide range of products, training resources, and innovative features, Meesho continues to support the growth of small businesses and contribute to India’s thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.


Author Bio: As an e-commerce expert, the author has a deep understanding of the dynamics behind Meesho’s business model. With experience in the industry, the author offers valuable insights into the workings of the platform and its impact on small businesses.


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    Meesho is a prominent and innovative Indian e-commerce platform that has gained substantial popularity since its inception. It is a mobile-first, social commerce platform that enables individuals to start their online businesses without any investment. Meesho primarily targets small businesses, entrepreneurs, and housewives, providing them with a convenient way to sell products online and earn a livelihood. The platform leverages the power of social media networks to reach potential customers and facilitate transactions. It empowers users to connect with their target audience through WhatsApp, Facebook, and other popular social channels, making it a dynamic and influential player in the Indian e-commerce market.


    Full Form of MEESHO!

    The full form of MEESHO is “Market Entry and Expansion Solutions for Homepreneurs Online.” This acronym aptly represents the essence of Meesho’s business model, as it focuses on empowering home-based entrepreneurs with tools and solutions to enter the market and expand their online businesses seamlessly.

    What Makes Meesho Unique in the E-commerce Landscape?

    Meesho’s success can be attributed to its unique and revolutionary business model. Let’s explore the key features that set Meesho apart from traditional e-commerce platforms:

    Empowering Homepreneurs:

    Meesho’s primary focus is on uplifting homepreneurs—individuals who run small businesses from the comfort of their homes. By providing them with a user-friendly platform and access to a vast catalog of products, Meesho empowers these entrepreneurs to kickstart their online businesses with minimal investment and effort.

    Social Commerce:

    Meesho stands out as a social commerce platform. It leverages the power of social networks, such as WhatsApp and Facebook, to promote products and facilitate transactions. Homepreneurs can showcase products to their contacts and customers within their social circles, making the selling process more personalized and reliable.

    Zero Inventory Model:

    One of the most innovative aspects of Meesho’s business model is its zero inventory approach. Homepreneurs do not need to maintain any inventory. When a customer places an order, Meesho sources the products from suppliers and delivers them directly to the customers. This eliminates the need for storage and reduces the financial risk for homepreneurs.

    Vast Product Catalog:

    Meesho offers an extensive product catalog that spans various categories, including fashion, accessories, home decor, electronics, and more. This diverse range of products enables homepreneurs to cater to different customer preferences and demands.

    Easy Order Management:

    Meesho provides a seamless order management system for homepreneurs. They can track orders, manage deliveries, and handle customer inquiries through the platform, ensuring a smooth selling experience.

    Quality Assurance:

    To maintain customer satisfaction and trust, Meesho ensures that all products listed on the platform undergo rigorous quality checks. This commitment to quality enhances customer confidence in the products they purchase.

    How Does Meesho’s Business Model Work?

    Meesho’s business model is built on a series of simple yet effective steps that enable aspiring entrepreneurs to start and grow their online businesses. Let’s walk through the key steps in Meesho’s business model:

    1. Sign-up and Onboarding:

    The journey begins with aspiring entrepreneurs signing up on the Meesho platform. The sign-up process is straightforward and can be completed through the mobile app.

    2. Exploring the Catalog:

    Once registered, homepreneurs gain access to Meesho’s vast product catalog. They can explore the various categories and select the products they wish to promote and sell.

    3. Showcasing Products:

    Homepreneurs use their social networks, especially WhatsApp and Facebook, to showcase products to potential customers. They share product details, images, and prices, creating a personalized shopping experience for buyers.

    4. Receiving Orders:

    When interested customers place orders, homepreneurs collect necessary details, such as delivery addresses and contact information.

    5. Placing Orders with Meesho:

    Homepreneurs then place the orders with Meesho, providing the required details of the customers and the products they have purchased.

    6. Meesho’s Role:

    As the facilitator, Meesho takes charge of the order fulfillment process. It sources the products from suppliers and ensures timely deliveries to customers.

    7. Earning Profits:

    Homepreneurs earn a profit margin on each product sold. The difference between the selling price (set by homepreneurs) and the sourcing price (paid to Meesho) becomes their profit.

    8. Customer Support:

    Meesho also handles customer support to address any queries or concerns that customers may have related to their orders.

    The Evolution of Meesho’s Business Model

    Meesho’s business model has evolved over the years, incorporating new features and strategies to stay relevant and effective. Let’s take a look at some key milestones in the evolution of Meesho’s business model:

    1. From Offline to Online:

    Meesho recognized the untapped potential of the online market for small-scale entrepreneurs and sought to bridge the gap between offline and online selling. By providing a simple mobile app, it made it convenient for homepreneurs to transition from traditional selling methods to digital platforms.

    2. Focus on Social Selling:

    Meesho identified the power of social networks as a medium for driving sales. It encouraged homepreneurs to leverage their social circles to promote products, driving word-of-mouth marketing and fostering trust among potential customers.

    3. Expansion of Product Categories:

    In its early stages, Meesho primarily focused on fashion and lifestyle products. However, to cater to a broader audience, it gradually expanded its product catalog to include various categories, such as home essentials, electronics, and more.

    4. Integration of Technology:

    To enhance user experience and streamline operations, Meesho incorporated cutting-edge technology. This included features like real-time order tracking, in-app customer support, and personalized recommendations for homepreneurs and customers.

    5. Introduction of Meesho Influencers:

    As the platform grew in popularity, Meesho introduced the concept of “Meesho Influencers.” These influencers are individuals who have established a substantial following on social media. They partner with Meesho to promote products to their followers, expanding the platform’s reach even further.

    Meesho’s Impact on India’s E-commerce Landscape

    Meesho’s innovative business model has made a significant impact on India’s e-commerce landscape. Here are some of the ways in which Meesho has transformed the industry:

    1. Empowering Women Entrepreneurs:

    Meesho has played a crucial role in empowering women entrepreneurs across India. Many housewives and stay-at-home moms have embraced Meesho as a means to generate income while managing their domestic responsibilities.

    2. Boosting Rural Entrepreneurship:

    Meesho has reached the far corners of rural India, enabling individuals from remote areas to access the digital market. This has given rise to rural entrepreneurship and has contributed to economic growth in these regions.

    3. Fostering Local Brands:

    Through Meesho, local brands and artisans have gained exposure to a national audience. This has helped small-scale businesses thrive and compete with larger players in the market.

    4. Reshaping E-commerce Strategies:

    Meesho’s success with social commerce has encouraged other e-commerce players to incorporate social selling elements into their strategies. The platform has reshaped the way online businesses interact with customers and promote products.


    Meesho’s business model, with its focus on empowering homepreneurs through social commerce and zero inventory, has revolutionized the e-commerce landscape in India. Its commitment to providing market entry and expansion solutions to aspiring entrepreneurs has opened doors to new opportunities and transformed lives. Meesho’s impact on India’s economy and the empowerment of small-scale entrepreneurs cannot be understated. As the platform continues to evolve and adapt to changing market dynamics, it will undoubtedly leave a lasting imprint on the Indian e-commerce industry.

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